Combat never felt like "cheating" in TLOU to me like it does in Blacklist, it always felt like I had fucked up but I never felt compelled to reload last checkpoint because that kind of gameplay fitted the story perfectly. In that (on the harder difficulties) you want to thin the ranks through stealth because the combat can be challenging and you will use up your finite resources by going straight combat. I thought The Last Of Us actually got fairly close to what I want out of a modern stealth game. I guess you can decide to ghost it and then "oh no I got caught but I can still make it out" but you are so overpowered in it it almost feels like you are cheating by doing that. In Blacklist you decide if you are playing through by ghosting it, panthering it or full assault. You shouldn't want to alert guards because they will alert more guards and make life way harder for you, not because you don't get as many points at the end of the stage. I want a stealth game where the odds are truly against you and success means getting through the level without dying rather than trying to get the most points by alerting the least number of guards. In Blacklist they just overwhelm you with options and items and ammo and arghh so much wait this game isn't actually that hard and the best option is still just to sneak around them and hit them in the head anyway. I want to get through games by the skin of my teeth. So what are your thoughts? I liked stabbing dudes in Mark of the Ninja as much as the next guy, but oh man, finishing levels with the Path of Silence suit where you have no sword or lethal gadgets is wicked amounts of fun. Hitman has had varying degrees of success with that idea, although more so in the earlier games.
Getting in and out of that mission leaving zero trace was actually super satisfying, even if it just meant being really careful to dodge about 3-5 CIA guys. On the other hand, there's a level in Alpha Protocol where you sneak into a CIA safehouse/listening station thing in Rome to plant a bug, and you get an extra bonus if you never even knock out a CIA agent, because then they have no reason to even suspect anyone was there to plant a bug.
You were too good at taking dudes out in that game (and most recent Metal Gear Solid games). Which while true as far back as the original Thief and Metal Gear Solid, is not always the case.Īnd in the case of something like Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I found it far too easy to just knock out the entire room with silent takedowns and tranquilizer darts and it's not even a challenge because it's really just all about "how can I isolate these guys and take them out". In the most recent Bombcast, Jeff describes the appeal of stealth games as being the "thrill of taking out a dude from behind".